Sunday, June 15, 2008

Come On, Dad!

Come On, Dad! 75 Things for Fathers and Sons to Do Together (New Edition)

Avis, Ed. 2008. Come On, Dad! 75 Things for fathers and sons to do together.

Come On, Dad! complements Come On, Mom! which I reviewed at the end of April. Together these books provide parents with ample ideas for activities on how to spend quality time with their children. While I can understand, in a way, the separation of the genders--moms & daughters, fathers & sons--it also annoys me slightly. The activities of both books could easily be mixed and matched between fathers, mothers, daughters, and sons. For the most part. I'd say that about 80-90% of the activities would be fun for either gender.

Come on, Dad! is a fun little book, a reference book, full of quality activities--suggestions--on how fathers and sons can spend some time together bonding. Some activities require the child to be a bit older--able to read and/or write. Other activities would be suitable or adaptable for younger children to participate in. Some require prep time--items to collect, etc--others just require YOU. I think there is something for everyone here.

© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews

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